The policy aims to ensure that all Disclosures, hosted on the website of the Company, are recorded and archived over a period of time and establishes the guideline for archiving any information disclosed to the Stock Exchange(s) under the SEBI ( Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements ) Regulations, 2015
Any information disclosed to the Stock Exchange(s) under the SEBI ( Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements ) Regulations, 2015 shall be hosted on the website of the Company for a minimum period of 5 (five) years [ Minimum Disclosure Period ].
Upon expiry of the above said Minimum Disclosure Period, the said information will be archived and be available on the website of the Company for the access of the stakeholders for the next consecutive period of 5 (five) years [ Archival period ].
After the expiry of the Archival Period, the said information will be backed up and stored in accordance with the Company’s data archival policy.